Welcome, Wykked welcomes you to the Plantation

Welcome, Wykked welcomes you to the Plantation
Do make yourself at home here, and be sure to read all of our blog -Wykked

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How it works

Alright, here is what I mean on that:
If you go to our how it works page, you'll see it's still under construction. Here is the thing.. I'm still trying to come up with ideas, at the same time running some by Wykked. Since I work on the blog I have to put this all in here. So here is my request to those who come here to the blog:

I would like you guys to come up with means of Transformations for what ever thing you have in mind. If it involves transformation, give a method of what is needed (I.E. A pill, a shirt ect) and then give a description of what it does and what happens. Certian things like say.. inflation have subcategories like food, water, berry ect. You'll have to do one for each method (I recommend doing so googling for all of that) and I think I'll handle that cause I know a little of it. Mostly it will be different color pills doing different things. But for everything else, if it's a transformation send it to our email (found off on the right) and let us know. If you wish you can make it anonymous. Thank you!

And if you don't feel like sending us an email, feel free to send it to our bot MacDonald. It's like our little answering machine. Just leave a message there and we'll be sure to get it if we aren't around to answer you.
Thanks guys, your helping us out a lot!


Welcome everyone to the TFPlantation! It's a fairly new room and we're trying to get things up and running, so if you give us some time we'll have everything under way! Do note that we may need some help, so be on the look out for some job openings as Ops and such on our little home. If you take a look at the People list you'll see some examples that our regulars and Ops do for jobs. If you want to take part in our works, even if you don't become an op, think about what you could do, or what you want to be. We're always looking to expand with good regulars :)